
All bats are designated as European Protected Species, and bats and their roosts are fully protected under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended). It is an offence to deliberately or recklessly disturb bats in a roost, to obstruct access to a roost, or to damage or destroy a bat roost.

You may need a bat survey if there are buildings or structures, mature trees, or areas of semi-natural habitat on your site. To determine if bats are present and if so, how they are using your site, we can use the following methods:

  • Licensed roost survey of buildings
  • Dawn and dusk roost watches
  • Commuting watches and commuting static detector survey
  • Foraging survey
  • Walked and driven transects
  • Remote detector survey
  • Habitat suitability and assessment survey
  • Tree climbing survey with qualified tree climbers who are licensed bat surveyors
  • At height monitoring for wind farm sites

Direct Ecology has a wealth of experience of bat work, and has surveyed and advised on a range of different projects such as wind farms, housing developments, demolitions, barn conversions, and new highway and bridge construction or repair.

Initial survey and assessment of habitats and structures can be undertaken throughout the year, while more specific activity surveys have seasonal restrictions. We can discuss your project proposals and timescales, and advise accordingly on the surveys required and timing implications.

We have a range of specialist bat survey equipment, including hand-held detectors, detectors for remote monitoring and endoscopes. We are fully experienced in all aspects of bat survey work, including the analysis of recorded calls. We are experienced in applying for licences for development purposes from SNH, and our Director holds a Bat Low Impact licence (BLIMP) which in certain circumstances avoids the need for applying for a specific licence from SNH.

Direct Ecology have expertise in bat surveys on proposed wind farm sites, and since 2009 have undertaken bat surveys on over 11 proposed wind farm sites across Scotland. Survey has included transects, habitat assessment, remote monitoring and monitoring at height. We have extensive experience of compiling the bat impact assessment reports that can form part of the Environmental Statement, and that are produced in line with the latest Bat Conservation Trust guidance.

We have five staff who are fully qualified and insured to undertake tree climbing. Tree climbing can be undertaken to confirm the presence or absence of bat roosts in trees that have been confirmed at ground level to have good suitability and that are due to be felled or limbed. Tree climbing can be undertaken at any time of year.

Our Director regularly undertakes training courses on bats for organisations such as local authorities and the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management.